I have always wanted to build my own raytracer. When I took my first steps as a primary school kid in programming I (like many others at my age) wanted to create computer games. This started me off to computer graphics after which I've done some amount of games and graphics programming. After graduating I drifted off from graphics programming and have been doing various other sort of coding ever since. However, the thirst to write my own raytracer still exists unquenched.
This is a series of blog posts where I go through my journey of creating a raytracer from scratch. Starting from zero and advancing in small steps. It goes on until I grow tired of it or find something more useful to do with my time. It might take two weeks or a year.
I might end up changing the programming language to Haskell at later point. Haskell is something else I've been interested in for some time and I have a gut feeling it would work well in this particular domain. Let's see. However, in order to have some momentum in the beginning I'm starting with C++ which is more familiar to me.
The project source code is available in: Github and will be tagged for each phase so that you can follow how the raytracer progresses from phase to another.